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公司主導產品為煤礦機械化采煤工作面用刮板輸送機、轉載機、破碎機、刨煤機等采煤、運輸設備,薄煤層滾筒采煤機無人自動化工作面成套輸送設備, 薄煤層全自動化刨煤機工作面成套設備,產品共有10大類82個系列500多個規(guī)格,刮板輸送機的裝機功率從40千瓦到4800千瓦,輸送能力在150噸/小時~6000噸/小時之間,最大設計長度為400米。同時,公司還向礦山、冶金、工程機械等行業(yè)提供工業(yè)鏈條、鑄石刮板輸送機、防爆電器開關、固液分離壓濾機、液壓工程缸等產品。與波蘭國潤(原英國富凱公司)共同投資生產具有國際領先水平的接鏈環(huán)產品;從帕森斯引進的制鏈技術,生產與國際等同標準的礦用高強度圓環(huán)鏈和其他行業(yè)使用的多種系列工業(yè)鏈條,公司已成為全球最大的礦用鏈制造商和引領者。

China Coal Zhang Jiakou Coal Mining Machinery Company (ZMM), situated in Zhang Jiakou, a mountain city on the northern frontier of the Great Wall. It lies to the east of Beijing, capital of China, and join west of two immense coal mine resource in Shanxi, and inner Mongolia. The location cross border between Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei economic zone and Jin-Ji-Mon area make it have geographical advantage. In 1926, The factory was built originally as a coin mint owned by General Feng Yuxiang and then became a munitions factory of General Fu Zuoyi..After 1949, it was transformed into a professional coal mining machinery factory, which was one of three earliest coal mining equipment suppliers. In 2014, the factory was developed to a subsidiary corporation under the China Coal Mining Machinery Equipment Co., Ltd exclusively-invested by China Coal Group Corporation.

The machines produced by ZMM are serious of AFC conveyor, Stage loader, crusher, plough, which are popular either in the transportation system or cutting system during the coal mining process. And also includes complete set of unmanned automatic conveyor,  complete set of fully-automatic plough system on thin seam workface. The equipments are classified into 10 group, 82 serious, 500 dimensions of products with the working power coverage from 40 kilowatts to 4800 kilowatts, transmission capability ranged from 150ts/hr to 6000ts/hr. The maximum designed work length has reached 400 meters. With technology innovative capability, ZMM developed diversity of mining devices including flame-proof eletric-switcher, Solid-liquid separate pressure filter, engineering hydraulic cylinders. With producing capability, It provides not only sorts of construction chains for ore mining, metallurgical plant, engineering works but also top-quality chain connector of which technology transferred from Parsons and produced by Sino-Polish Joint Venture which invested by Gwarant (originally FKI company) and ZMM. With developing capability in producing high tension mining chains and industrial chains, ZMM is granted as the abound mining chain supplying resource and head manufacturer..

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